As many Racing Puma owners will know the remaining specific Racing Puma 909 and 908 parts are becoming very hard to find or source. As a group we are looking to start offering parts from our own parts store these will include NOS (New old stock) genuine Ford Racing parts as well as re-manufactured parts that we have sourced directly from the original equipment manufacturer. We hope this will help to keep our cars on the roads for the foreseeable future.
Below is a list of all the wheel parts we have available, we hope to add to this parts list over time.
If you wish to purchase or make an enquiry please CLICK HERE and fill in our enquiry form.

9097889 Wheel Nut - Price: £5.00
The wheel nuts used on the Ford Racing Puma were different to the standard Ford fitment. This was because the MIM 'Speedline' alloy wheels were an aftermarket wheel not manufactured by Ford so the wheel nuts required a different taper to sit correctly in the wheel nut lug.
Genuine NOS Ford part, priced individually.

9098040 Tyre Valve Sleeve - Price: £5.00
The chrome tyre valve sleeves were fitted to the FRP alloy wheels along with metal chrome valve caps.
These are genuine NOS Ford parts and are priced individually.

9098041 Tyre Valve Dust Cap - Price: £5.00
The metal chrome tyre valve dust caps were fitted to the FRP alloy wheels along with the metal chrome valve sleeves.
These are genuine NOS Ford parts and are priced individually.

9087852 Locking Wheel Nut Kit - Price: £20.00
Specific to the Ford Racing Puma due to the after market 'MIM' alloy wheels using a different wheel nut to standard Ford alloy wheels.
These are genuine NOS Ford parts and are priced as a set of 4 locking nuts with locking key and plastic case.
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